The Snowbirds are Back In Force for 2023

Defensive Driving

With snowbird season underway the Phoenix Open, Super Bowl, and spring training quickly approaching, we are rolling out our list of annoying if not outright dangerous Snowbird driving habits.

The folks who live here aren’t perfect drivers either — far from it, in fact. However, snowbird season adds a new dimension to poor driving around the Valley, so much so that we’ve compiled a list of the 10 worst snowbird driving habits:

  1. Turning right to go left or right to go left

It’s a Cadillac, not an 18-wheeler. There is absolutely no reason to turn the wheel left to make a right turn, and there’s no reason to turn the wheel right to make a left turn unless we’re talking about drifting. There are few things scarier than cruising down a Main Street at 45 mph when the person in the right lane, with their right turn signal on, is suddenly in your route while they start an extremely wide right turn.

  1. Attempting homicide in the “suicide lane”

Arizonans’ who have any confusion at all about the “suicide lane,” or left turning lane, should not use it. This is where the center lane is a two-way turn lane at all other times. It’s all too common to see oblivious people sitting in the lane waiting to make a turn, while traffic is going full speed from behind them, or coming head-on.

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