The Number One School Zone Camera in Mesa That Gives Speeding Tickets 2022

Fremont Jr. High School at Power Road South of Brown.

Fall 2022 Camera Locations

  1. Franklin@Brimhall corridor on Southern Avenue
  2. Fremont Jr. High School corridor on Power Road
  3. Mesa High School corridor on Southern Avenue
  4. Skyline High School corridor on Crismon Road
  5. Red Mountain High School on Brown Road
  6. Porter Elementary School corridor on Lindsay Road
  7. Rhodes Jr. High School corridor on Baseline.

Most people who come to class have this ticket. But I would say most people do not get up in the morning and plan to speed through this camera. What actually happens is they miss the flashing lights on the School Zone Sign. They are driving down Power Road thinking the speed limit is 45 MPH. If the flashing lights actually warned people they would slow down.

When the lights are flashing the speed limit is reduced to 35 miles per hour and the camera will issue you a speeding ticket if you are going 6 miles over the posted speed limit.

If the lights are not flashing the speed limit is 45 miles per hour and the camera will issue you a speeding ticket if you are going 11 miles over the posted speed limit.


Here are the scheduled times when the lights are flashing for the Fall of 2022. Good Luck!

Fremont Jr High School Zone Camera