Protecting your head is paramount when riding a bike. Wear a helmet to prevent head injuries, as even minor bumps can result in serious consequences. Enhance your visibility, especially in low-light conditions, by wearing bright, reflective clothing and using lights and reflectors on your bike. Being seen by others on the road is essential for safety.
Respect pedestrians and motorists alike, reducing speed when approaching pedestrians and using hand signals to communicate with drivers. Obey traffic laws and ride predictably to avoid accidents. Avoid distractions like headphones and cell phones, as they impair your ability to stay alert to your surroundings.
When riding, be aware of hazards such as debris, railroad tracks, and parked cars. Take the lane when necessary for safety, especially on narrow roads or in the presence of hazards. Make safe left turns by using crosswalks when available and keeping a vigilant eye on traffic.
In summary, prioritize safety by protecting your head, increasing visibility, showing courtesy to others, and riding with awareness and smart decision-making.