Drive Safe with 2Pass Defensive Driving
Defensive driving is a set of skills and techniques to reduce the risk of road accidents that help you stay safe by anticipating and reacting to potential hazards. Defensive driving is all about minimizing risks and staying safe on the road. While there may not be an official list of “50 rules of defensive driving,” I can provide you with a comprehensive list of principles and guidelines that encompass the core principles of defensive driving.

1. Pay Attention | 2. Don’t Trust NOBODY! |
3. Yield Anyway! | 4. Don’t Speed! |
5. Don’t Drive Impaired | 6. Wear Your Seat Belt! |
7. Buy and Use Safety Devices | 8. Motorcyclist, Protect Thyself! |
9. Don’t Run Red! | 10. Drive Precisely |
11. Chill Out! | 12. Look Down the Road! |
13. Create Space | 14. Drive to Communicate |
15. Drive Predictably | 16. Always Signal Your Intentions |
17. Know Your Blind Spots! | 18. Avoid Distractions |
19. Avoid Backing Up | 20. Beware of Intersections |
21. Be A Freeway Pro | 22. Know How To Stop |
23. Know When To Use Your Headlights | 24. Slow Down in Rain or Snow |
25. Maintain Your Tires | 26. Take Care of Your Vehicle |
27. Get Rid of Tailgaters | 28. Maintain an Even, Measured Pace |
29. Check for Hydroplaning | 30. Know How To Recover From A Skid |
31. Avoid Head-On Collisions | 32. Be A Safe Passer |
33. Avoid the Single-Vehicle Collision | 34. Deal with Light Glare |
35. Never Play Chicken With a Train | 36. Beware of Stopped or Slow-Moving Vehicles |
37. Practice Animal Avoidance! | 38. Don’t Prevent Others from Passing |
39. Drive Your Van Safely | 40. Practice Smart Bicycling |
41. Share the Road With Bicyclists | 42. Exercise Prudent Courtesy |
43. Recognize the Futility of Rushing | 44. Make Allowances for Your Physical Limitations |
45. Start Rested — Keep Fresh! | 46. Share the Road With Trucks |
47. Make Space for Parked Vehicles on a Roadway | 48. Give Way on Mountain Roads |
49. Make Safe and Sane Left Turns | 50. Connect Your Mind To Your Eyes! |