Going slower provides more time to make decisions and be better prepared to yield to other road users.
By entering the roundabout at a slower speed, crashes that do happen are much less severe.
Slowing down helps drivers do a better job of seeing pedestrians and bicycles and sharing the road with them.
Drivers should choose the lane for where they want to go after the roundabout. Signs and markings help them select a lane.
Like most other intersections, drivers use the left lane to go left, the right lane to go right, and either lane to go straight through unless otherwise indicated.
Drivers should keep looking around and check the crosswalks to see if anyone is waiting to cross or is already crossing. Drivers should be ready to stop and let them safely finish.
Drivers must yield to traffic in all lanes of the roundabout, not just in the lane closest to them.
If large vehicles like trucks or buses are in the roundabout, drivers should give them space and avoid driving next to them inside the roundabout.
Drivers should follow the pavement markings to stay in the correct lane as they leave the roundabout. They should look around one more time for anyone in the crosswalk and be ready to yield as the drivers exit.