Defensive Driving

Defensive Driving Tip #35: Never Play Chicken With a Train

We know that injuries and fatalities that occur at highway-rail crossings or on railroad property are a real, but often preventable, problem. Few people realize that in America, a person or vehicle is hit by a train roughly every three hours, and that’s a reality we’re determined to change. I am amazed at how often cars race trains to a crossing, in order to just barely cross in front of it. This seems to be a right of passage for young drivers in rural Arizona areas as they learn to drive. I have even seen this depicted in Hollywood films, as those “wild and crazy teenagers” are out having fun on Friday night. After a train runs over a vehicle at a crossing, folks often wonder why the car cut in front of the train, when the train was obviously so close and moving so fast. Kids aren’t the only ones who do it; impatience on the part of hurried drivers results in hundreds of railroad crossing deaths each year.

As a train approaches you, an optical illusion is created that masks the speed of the train — making it appear to be traveling slower than it really is. The illusion is a result of the train’s size and the narrowing aspect of the tracks and trains as they recede in the distance. Imagine the horror of a driver and the passengers in a vehicle as they cut in front of a train and suddenly realize they have no time to get out of their way.  Respect the train for what it is — an irresistible force and remember that your car is not an immovable object! A train is like an ocean liner — it may take it more than a mile to stop. Never play chicken with a train by trying to beat it to a grade crossing. Do not drive around lowered gates if the signals indicate a train is coming. Remember to wait after a train passes, until you can clearly see in both directions. Many are killed when they proceed after a train clears a crossing, and a speeding train on the second set of tracks smacks them from the other direction.

Defensive driving rule 1 – Trains and cars don’t mix. Never race a train to the crossing — even if you tie, you lose.

Defensive driving rule 2 – The train you see is closer and faster-moving than you think. If you see a train approaching, wait for it to go by before you proceed across the tracks.

Defensive driving rule 3 – Be aware that trains cannot stop quickly. Even if the locomotive engineer sees you, a freight train moving at 55 miles per hour can take a mile or more to stop once the emergency brakes are applied. That’s 18 football fields!

Defensive driving rule 4 – Never drive around lowered gates — it’s illegal and deadly. If you suspect a signal is malfunctioning, call the 1-800 number posted on or near the crossing signal or your local law enforcement agency.

Defensive driving rule 5 – Do not get trapped on the tracks; proceed through a highway-rail grade crossing only if you are sure you can completely clear the crossing without stopping. Remember, the train is three feet wider than the tracks on both sides.

Defensive driving rule 6 – If your vehicle ever stalls on a track with a train coming, get out immediately and move quickly away from the tracks in the direction from which the train is coming. If you run in the same direction the train is traveling, when the train hits your car you could be injured by flying debris. Call your local law enforcement agency for assistance.

Defensive driving  rule 7 – At a multiple track crossing waiting for a train to pass, watch out for a second train on the other tracks, approaching from either direction.

Defensive driving rule 8 -When you need to cross train tracks, go to a designated crossing, look both ways, and cross the tracks quickly, without stopping. Remember it isn’t safe to stop closer than 15 feet from a rail.

ALWAYS EXPECT A TRAIN! Freight trains do not follow set schedules.

If your vehicle gets stuck on the tracks, do not hang around trying to start it, or push it off, if a train is approaching. Getaway! If you have to leave your vehicle behind and you know it is going to be hit, remember to run toward the approaching train, not away from it; the debris from a collision will be thrown ahead of the train and it can overtake and kill you. If you do get a ticket take our defensive driving class.