The Pyrotechnics in your Seat Belt

The most popular seat belt pretensioners designs today use pyrotechnics to pull in the belt webbing. The diagram below shows a representative model.

When the gas is ignited, the pressure pushes the piston up to rotate the retractor.

The central element in this pretensioner is a chamber of combustible gas. Inside the chamber, there is a smaller chamber with explosive igniter material. This smaller chamber is outfitted with two electrodes, which are wired to the central processor.

When the processor detects a collision, it immediately applies an electrical current across the electrodes. The spark from the electrodes ignites the igniter material, which combusts to ignite the gas in the chamber. The burning gas generates a great deal of outward pressure. The pressure pushes on a piston resting in the chamber, driving it upward at high speed.

A rack gear is fastened to one side of the piston. When the piston shoots up, the rack gear engages a gear connected to the retractor spool mechanism. The speeding rack rotates the spool forcefully, winding up any slack belt webbing.