The best traffic ticket in Arizona to get….

Traffic school tip # 129

If you get pulled over by an officer in Arizona and told him or her your best story and you know  you are still getting the ticket, you might want to try this.  Start negotiating for the Wasting Finite Resources ticket 28-702.01a. If you can convince the police officer to write you this ticket it is a win-win situation. You win because this ticket carries no points upon pleasing guilty, your insurance company will not know. You win because you don’t need to spend 4 hours on the weekend attending traffic school. You win because in some courts the fine is as low as $59. The officer wins because they get to write another ticket. The specific law is Arizona Revised Statute 28-702.01a. If you Google “Arizona Revised Statutes” you will get the Master List of current laws in Arizona. They are organized into chapters. Chapter 28 are the traffic laws, open Chapter 28 and look for law 702.01a