The number one fear, regardless of gender, is driving through bad weather.
21 percent of respondents claiming it as their main phobia. This is understandable, especially given that nearly 21 percent of car crashes each year are weather-related — meaning they occur in adverse weather conditions like heavy snow, rain, high winds, and fog. Driving near large trucks came in second, followed by driving at night and over bridges or through tunnels.
While a large percentage of people admit to driving phobias, not everyone experiences fear on the road. In fact, 11 percent of drivers stated they didn’t have any driving phobias at all.
Out of all of the respondents who claimed to have no fear while driving, 63 percent of those were men. But although less fearful, are men truly the better drivers? lets take a deeper look at driving phobias and habits by gender.
Data from a recent survey, conducted by