The Most Ridiculous Low Speed Limits in America

What are you supposed to do when you’re faced with ridiculously low speed limits like these?

10.) Washington DC’s Capital BeltWay 55 MPH Limit

Outside of rush hour traffic, 55 might seem reasonable. Then you attempt to merge and everyone around you is flying by at nearly 20 over. It makes for an incredibly dangerous situation. Why don’t traffic engineers take this kind of stuff into consideration?

9.) 5 MPH EZ-Pass Toll Lanes

Maybe back in the days of extremely limited technology was it necessary for drivers to go through these toll plaza lanes at 5 MPH, but still now in 2018? I say down with the 5 MPH toll lanes!

8.) New Jersey’s I-295 45 MPH Speed Limit

It seems that in New Jersey there are so many examples of ‘non-existent’ construction zones that never seem to have any actual work being done. Specifically on this road, the speed limit drops from 65 to 55 to 45 for construction zones. If there wasn’t one of those white Crown Vics sitting in the middle of it all, I’d be in shock.

7.) North Carolina’s US-1 60 MPH Speed Limit

This 60 MPH speed limit might not be so bad if the road wasn’t straight for twenty miles and if the police patrolling it were a tad more lenient

6.) California’s 101 Freeway 55 MPH Speed Limit

Don’t you love when almost all of the highways in the state are enforced with one speed limit, then you get to one indifferent stretch of road that has a poorly marked lower speed limit? I guess the Highway Patrol has to meet their quotas somehow.

5.) Virginia’s I-395/I-95 55 MPH Speed Limit

Never speed in Virginia. We all know that. You never really get a good night’s sleep in jail.

4.) Tennessee’s Tail of the Dragon 30 MPH Speed Limit

The Tail of the Dragon is an 11 mile road with 318 corners and a speed limit of 30 MPH for half of it. Could you imagine being speed restricted on a road like that?

3.) Nevada Desert’s 75 MPH Limit

It’s stunning how mind-numbingly boring it can be to a travel on a straight road for miles on miles on miles. Nevada’s 75 MPH speed limit doesn’t help either.

2.) New York’s Ocean Parkway 25 MPH Speed Limit

As part of “Vision Zero”, an initiative led by Mayor Bill DeBlasio to lower the amount of traffic and pedestrian deaths to zero, the Mayor’s Office and the NYC Department of Transportation have lowered the speed limits on almost all local NYC streets to a blistering 25 MPH.

It’s already insanely hard to follow on the streets of midtown, but on Brooklyn’s Ocean Parkway, a major arterial road that basically cuts directly through Brooklyn? Come on.

1.) Blue Ridge Mountain Parkway’s 45 MPH Limit

The Blue Ridge Mountain Parkway is most well known for its beautifully scenic views, demanding corners and its diverse road dynamics. Unfortunately at its most generous speed of 45 MPH, not much of that matters.