Why Did I Get a Red Light Ticket In Mesa?

If we were playing Football or Soccer you would know where the line is to score a goal. But where is the line you cross that issues a Red Light ticket In Arizona?

The Violation Code for a Red Light ticket is Arizona Revised Statute 28-645

“traffic facing a steady red signal alone shall stop before entering the intersection”

But what does that mean? How does that help Me?

If there is a camera at the intersection there is a painted line that you need to be aware of.

There are 4 pictures on a Mesa Red Light Ticket.

The bottom right picture shows a clear picture of the painted line. In this case it is a dashed white line.

People in Defensive Driving class alway say “See I was in the middle of the intersection. I didn’t run a Red Light”

Unfortunately the bottom left picture captures the actual violation.
You can see the vehicle crossing the line and the light is Red.

You usually travel through the same intersections every week. You know where there are cameras. Find out where the line is at the intersection and don’t cross it when the light turns red and you will never have to worry about going to the mail box .